Guestbook and Parent Reviews

Welcome to the section of my website where you can sign the guestbook or leave a parent review! Just leave your review or guestbook signature in the comment box below and viola!

I welcome and value all of your input, and I am so appreciative of the feedback!

Thank you!

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Anonymous said...

Hiya Tiffany! I love the website! So cute
Just wanted to drop by and sign your guestbook! You are such a great mommy, and you've always been awesome with kids!

Good luck!

Anna - Kenneasaw, GA - mother of 2 said...

As a parent, it's such a relief knowing your child is getting the best care. I am always confident in Tiffany's ability to handle any situation with grace and love. I never hesitate in calling on her. She is always my first choice. Thanks for everything. We appreciate all that you do!

Jonathon Lowe said...

Your references are wonderful and your training is very extensive. Even if we'd never met before, your resume would show you to be a wonderful candidate for a Nanny. Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

As a grandparent to your precious Lily, I am truly amazed at that mother you have become. I am in awe of your patience and ability to teach her things that most parents don't think to teach their child. She is growing up to be such a smart, loving and well adjusted child. She knows words that most kids her age wouldn't know for years and understands them. Any family would be lucky to have you in their child's life.